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Thursday, December 22, 2011


Dear beloved readers,

Just a little reminder that the blog mash up competition deadline is tomorrow.
For those who forgot the rules, here they are again:

Deadline:  December 22nd/23rd (23rd for Australians since we're ahead in time)

1. Make a mash up of 2 or more posts (In any medium e.g. writing, music or drawing)
2. Send me a copy of mash up (make sure to write a note of which posts you used)
3. I will post it up on my blog and link back to your blog
4. Day after anniversary, I will announce winner
5. Winner receives the prize: a note book with a hand written copy of your favourite writing piece.

Ps. I already bought the notebook!! I just need to wrap it up after I get in contact with the winner.
PPs. My contact email can be found to the left of the blog


Bathwater said...

I have been trying to do this I just haven't been able to get to it with what has been going on.

Unknown said...

It's perfectly understandable. Please don't worry about this when you have so much going on =]

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