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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Day 4: It totally slipped my mind

Note: After a week of almost non-stop studying, I just crashed into bed and Friday was forgotten.

Lots of things have slipped my mind.
Friday's post. Saturday's post. And now it's Sunday.
Now it's May. Where did the days go?
In between going to lectures, attending club meetings
and finding time to exercise, I squeeze in more studying.
I forgot how it felt to be wanted.
It's the end of the second week of May.
It's that time again.
Blood tests and prescription changes.
Hypothyroidism maintenance.
It feels good to be so busy.
My life so full of life.


Bathwater said...

I'm not sure I can forget how it feels to be wanted. I am glad you are keeping busy. Those feelings will return soon I am sure.

Unknown said...

Thanks Bathwater. If you can't forget then you are very lucky to have not gone so long without those feelings =]

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