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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dandelions for Dancing

We’re lying in a sky of meadow.
I watch as you pluck a dandelion swiftly.
You smile as you gaze above,
stretching your large hands wide into the open.

“Let’s make a wish.” You say.
“Let’s make a wish to the stars.” 

We hold our breath as we breathe in a request.
Breathing out, we watch as the dandelions flutter away.
Their white tutus dancing in the glittering curtain.
It is the magic of still believing in childish fantasies.

“Dandelions are for dancing” You say as you hold out your hand.
“I thought dandelions are for wishing?”
“No. Dandelions are for dancing and wishes are dreamers”

I step into your warmth and let you whisk me away.
We sway to the music of the night.
Buzzing cicadas. Melodic nightingales. Fluttering leaves.
And the drumming of our content hearts. 

“Let’s make a promise.” You say finally.
“Let’s spend every night of our lives dancing together, always.” 

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