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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

He beat me

My friend who called my longing for Love, "sappy" beat me. He who has more flings than James Bond and Casanova ( I mean that in the most affectionist way possible) combined beat me. He found his first relationship of the year. While I who searched so hard so thoroughly has yet to find anyone.

But I'm happy for him.

He's beginning to take women more seriously and respect them more. I thought that it would take years before he would begin a proper relationship. I'm really proud of him. And I hope to catch up to him soon. However, I don't want to rush into things and make mistakes. Even though, I'm impatient I'm willing to wait.


Solilotaire said...
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Solilotaire said...

Congratulations to him. I hope he will treat her properly and I hope you're right that he's starting to grow up.

I'm impatient too and I'm starting to give up on hope.

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